A film directed by Inez and Vinoodh, featuring Penélope Cruz and Brad Pitt introduced the Chanel F/W 2024-2025 Ready-to-wear show. A tribute to the film "A Man and a Woman" by French director Claude Lelouch, and released in France in 1966 before its international distribution and recognition. It captures the beginning of a love story in Deauville, a place dear to the House and is the inspiration behind the collection imagined by Virginie Viard, the artistic director of the fashion collections.
Back to 1966, since the original film budget was so low, the director had to shoot the film in just three weeks; to save money, he shot the interior scenes in black and white and the exterior scenes in colour. The actress Ainouk Aimée wore her own clothes and personal accessories, including a Chanel bag, her favourite one, which she wore on and off screen, from morning to night.
With this campaign, Chanel continues to build on its longstanding relationship with cinema. Virginie Viard has always been passionate about cinema, particularly the New Wave, and wanted to pay tribute to Claude Lelouch's masterpiece. A work that smoulders with refined romance, with that legendary beach scene..., the horizon as far as the eye can see... the eternal sea..., and of course, Deauville. The seaside resort where M.lle Chanel opened a hat boutique bearing her name in 1912, and where she presented her first Haute Couture creations in 1913, certainly not a coincidence, but if it actually exists, it is marvellous in terms of finesse. The campaign video directed by Inez & Vinhoodh repeats some of the film's original sequences with Penélope Cruz and Brad Pitt and instantly identifiable with its modern and rectangular silhouette, the iconic Chanel bag and its impeccable allure, which lasts a lifetime, to then be handed down from generation to generation.
Collection after collection, it appears in countless variations of colour, shape and material. Over the years and the collections, countless designs have paid tribute to the famous bag, reinforcing its status as a unique iconic object.
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